First off, I would like to thank all the other dogs out there for commenting my blog :D! Of course, it was partly due to Tofu's popularity, then again, my cuteness also plays a part, don't you think? :].
I must mention once again. I LOVE DOG TREATS. Hehe.

Aren't my teeth pretty? :D!
Anyways... today, my Dad made me do one of the things I hate to do.
Take a shower =[.

As you can see here... I absolutely HATE taking showers. My paws, my fur, and even my ears get wet! Don't you guys hate that kind of feeling? I surely do. =[.
I'm just glad that I shed my hair, unlike SOME dogs (ahem. TOFU...), who have hair that keep on growing. That must feel quite.. uncomfortable having all that wet hair around you.. hehe.
"UNFORTUNATELY...", my brother was unable to capture any pictures of me, due to the fact that I wouldn't let him take pictures of my embarrassing state.
Oh well. Once I get out of the shower, I run directly outside, into the sun where my fur will dry back to its beautiful golden state.
Here's me chasing that dog I love to chew!

Pretty dramatic eh?
Chasing that dog got me pretty tired too!

Pheww. I was panting alot you see!
I even took a nap on the grass.

Well, in the midst of the summer, I still enjoy napping in the grass, in the bright shining sun. =].
Today was just one of the days where I get to relax, (well.. maybe not so much for the taking a bath part. >_>.)
I think I'll go back to sleep.
Good night everybody!
Ling Ling.